Building Safety into Every Project

At Gulf Island, Safety is a Core Value. We believe that a strong safety culture is a critical element of our success, and we are committed to the safety and health of our employees and contractors. Our future success begins with keeping our greatest asset – our workforce – safe. We expect all personnel to safely return home at the end of every day.
We operate within our Health Safety and Environmental System Manual (SEMS) and Training System. These Systems establish our Corporate Safety Policy, which incorporates Human Performance Principles and provides safe work practices and procedures to ensure we are eliminating workplace hazards, implementing key safeguards and reducing risks. Through training and implementation of human performance elements, we are systematically changing our employee’s behavior and culture and how they perceive hazards and risks in the workplace.
We have an accredited multi-day HSE Training for all new hires and contractors before their first day on the job to ensure all personnel clearly understand our expectations and processes. Additional third party and craft specific training is conducted, and we verify the skills, knowledge, and competency of our employees.
We track work-related safety statistics using Total Recordable Injury Rate (TRIR) and Lost Time Injury Rate (LTIR). These measure the number of OSHA-defined Recordable and Lost Time incidents versus total employee work hours. For 2021 and 2020 our TRIR was 0.61 and 0.57, respectively, and we had no lost time incidents or fatalities. Excluding our Shipyard operations, which are being wound down, our TRIR for 2021 and 2020 was 0.18 and 0.41 respectively.
Workforce Health and Safety

In addition to providing timely instruction to ensure our workforce has the knowledge and skills to perform their work safely while maintaining the highest standards of quality, we provide on-going safety education and training to all personnel to ensure they are ready for the challenges inherent in all of our projects. We know that leadership is a critical factor in continuing our cultural journey, centered on zero incidents as an expectation, not a vision or goal.
We monitor, share safety learnings and hazard alerts, and conduct safety stand downs to ensure targeted safety topics, near-misses, and best practices are maintained across the organization. Our safety observation card program helps to reinforce our commitment to safe operations and we conduct incident management reviews.
We also run emergency drills on a regular basis to train and prepare for various emergency scenarios that could occur in and around our operations. We believe this keeps our workforce and facilities in a continual state of preparedness to respond to emergency situations.