Joint letter from CEO and Chairman
At Gulf Island, we work every day to build a sustainable and resilient Company for our shareholders, employees and customers, and the communities where we work. We adhere to the highest safety standards and are committed to operating in an environmentally sustainable way as we recognize the critical role we play in helping the environment. We also strive to improve the communities in which we operate and encourage our employees to volunteer their time and resources in supporting charitable causes. Our actions are guided by an unwavering commitment to delivering value to all our stakeholders by adhering to the highest safety standards and upholding a steadfast commitment to environmental stewardship. Through our actions and policies, we aim to deliver on our promise of corporate responsibility and accountability.
Our employees are our greatest asset and protecting their safety and well-being is reflected in everything we do. Our safety trends the past 3 years reflect this relentless drive to keep our employees safe and healthy as we strive for zero injuries and incidents. We continue to drive improvements in our processes with the help of our customers and regulatory agencies. We are also committed to promoting diversity and inclusion in recruiting and developing our workforce.
Gulf Island’s Board and Leadership Team are committed to practicing good corporate governance. We believe that a diverse board and management team, who follow good governance practices, and engage in robust discussions and debates, will deliver better results for all of our stakeholders, including shareholders, customers, employees and the communities in which we operate.
These are some of the ways we continue to embrace our commitment to ESG and our responsibility to sustainably operate our Company.

Richard W. Heo
President & Chief Executive Officer

William E. Chiles
Chairman of the Board